Barring any last minute change of tactics, organised labour would suspend its strike action against the sudden adjournment of negotiation of a new minimum wage.
Labour24 gathered that the decision to suspend the industrial action came after the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari assured a delegation led by President of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Ayuba Wabba to the presidential Villa that the President will address the concerns of labour upon his return to the country from the United States.
With the assurance, Kyrai appealed to labour movement to suspend the strike immediately. Reassuring as the outcome of the discussion with Kyari appeared to the labour delegation, Wabba stressed that the decision to suspend the action was not entirely in the hands of the National Administrative Council (NAC), but other organs of both NLC and Trade Union Congress (TUC).
To debate the assurances given by Kyari, relevant organs of both labour centres are expected to meet in Abuja on Sunday where the announcement of the suspension would be done around 3pm on Sunday afternoon.